Course curriculum

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    Course content

    • PowerPoint

    • Maximizing Language Acquisition with ASL Rhymes, Rhythm and Repetition

    • Quiz

    • Evaluation

    • Continuing Education Credits

Course information

Course description: Maximizing language acquisition through the use of rhymes is a well-recognized strategy. Hearing children are immersed daily with children's songs, video programs, nursery rhymes, lullabies and stories that incorporate rhythm and rhyming. Yet, linguist researcher Leala Holcomb recognized DHH children do not have full access or benefit from spoken rhymes. Since rhymes are language specific the phonological patterns and word play are often lost in translation. For DHH children to truly benefit from rhymes they need to be visual. Neuroscientist Laura-Ann Petitto discovered, “Whether the modality is spoken or signed, the brain responds in the same way in its search for phonological patterning.” In other words, ASL rhymes help to foster language development in a way that is accessible and engaging equivalent to hearing peers. ASL rhyming resources are instrumental in providing a rich linguistic environment for DHH children. Recently Deaf educators and researchers have begun to create ASL rhyming and rhythmic resources in response to the demands from teachers and families. There are many fun new resources, techniques and methods that can aid parents not only learn ASL themselves but help them provide a language rich environment for their DHH children. In this presentation, participants not only will learn research behind ASL rhymes but have opportunity to play with ASL rhymes. No previous ASL knowledge is needed.


20 minutes: Introduction to language acquisition building blocks: phonemes

10 minutes: Introduction to rhymes as power linguistic devices

15 minutes: How do you rhyme in ASL? (hands-UP activity)

15 minutes: Research of benefits of ASL rhymes with language acquisition

10 minutes: Investigate different ASL rhyming resources

20 minutes: Resource: Simple to Sign Books; explore features and parent POV

5 minutes: Discuss/recap where ASL resources bridge common disparities experienced by DHH children

Learner outcomes:

Participants will be able to:

  1. Identify at least two benefits of rhymes and how they help with literacy and language development
  2. Identify a rhyme in American Sign Language and create a rhyme in ASL
  3. Identify three ASL rhyme resources


Speaker disclosures

Financial disclosures: Laura is author of Simple to Sign Books and is receiving royalties for this course.

Nonfinancial disclosures: Laura is the founder of About Love and Language 501c3.

Content disclosure: Laura will be discussing her books, Simple to Sign books.

Continuing Education

This course is offered for 0.15 ASHA CEUs.
This course is offered for 0.15 RID CEUs.