Course curriculum

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    Course content

    • PowerPoint

    • How Bilingualism Contributes to Healthy Development in Deaf Children

    • Quiz

    • Evaluation

    • Continuing Education Credits

Course info

Course description: This presentation will increase awareness on linguistic research on bilingualism in the deaf community, as well as the relationship between bilingualism and health outcomes. It will provide an update on research findings related to multilingualism and language processing and will review the relationship between home language use and health risks. Finally, there will be a discussion on how the national standards for culturally and linguistically appropriate services (CLAS) can be interpreted to include deaf multilingual stakeholders.


45 minutes: Recent research findings regarding linguistic diversity in the deaf community

45 minutes: How knowledge of multiple signed and spoken languages shapes language processing

30 minutes: Discuss ways that language use impacts professional practice

Learner outcomes:

Participants will be able to:

  1. Define some of the linguistic terminology used to describe language practices in the deaf community
  2. Identify the developmental and social ramifications of bilingualism
  3. Evaluate the potential of bilingualism to minimize health risks faced by deaf individuals


Erin Wilkinson

Erin Wilkinson is an Associate Professor in the Department of Linguistics at the University of New Mexico. She has research interests in bilingualism and multilingualism, language documentation and description, language change and variation, signed language typology, and language planning and policy in highly diverse signing communities. Her current studies in collaboration with other researchers examine cognitive and linguistic processing in signing bilingual populations. She also explores what linguistic structures are re-structured over time in signed languages and what are possible factors that contribute to language change and variation in signed languages through the lens of usage-based theory.

Speaker disclosures

Financial disclosure: The presenter receives a salary from the University of New Mexico, honoraria from Sign Language Studies and Cambridge University Press Elements Series on Sign Languages as an editor, and is receiving royalties for this presentation.

Nonfinancial disclosure: The presenter is a member of the Linguistics Society of America and the Sign Language Linguistics Society.

Continuing Education

This course is offered for 0.20 ASHA CEUs.
This course is offered for 0.20 RID CEUs.