Course curriculum

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    Course content

    • PowerPoint slides

    • Deaf History: Becoming a Culturally Competent SLP

    • Quiz

    • Evaluation

    • Continuing Education Units

Course info

Course Description: This presentation will review major events throughout Deaf history in the context of speech-language pathology practices over time. It will cover pervasive misconceptions and will provide suggestions and implications for SLPs’ practice from a Deaf perspective.



25 minutes: Introduction, background, terminology

25 minutes: Major events in Deaf history 

15 minutes: The modern Deaf community and pervasive misconceptions

10 minutes: The purpose for SLPs, from a Deaf perspective


Learner Outcomes:

Participants will be able to:

  1. Name and negate common misconceptions about Deaf individuals
  2. Name and describe major events in Deaf history
  3. Describe the impact of Deaf historical events on linguistic practices used today with Deaf individuals  


Natalie Delgado

Dr. Natalie J. Delgado is the statewide outreach director of Deaf Education at the Louisiana School for the Deaf and has taught from birth through 12th grade, as well as at the university level. She received her EdD in Deaf Studies and Deaf Education from Lamar University, where she also received her master's degree in Deaf Education. Dr. Delgado continues to conduct research with her colleagues, centering her work mainly on early intervention, early childhood language and identity development, and Deaf critical theory.

Speaker disclosures

Financial disclosure: The presenter is receiving royalties for this course.

Nonfinancial disclosure: The presenter has no relevant nonfinancial disclosures.

Continuing Education

This course is offered for 0.10 ASHA CEUs.