Ethical Considerations for Working with Deaf Children
This presentation will cover the concepts behind ethics and how they apply to speech-language pathologists’ (SLPs) and other professionals’ work with Deaf children.
Ethical Considerations for Working with Deaf Children
Continuing Education Credits
Course description: This presentation will cover the concepts behind ethics and how they apply to speech-language pathologists’ (SLPs) and other professionals’ work with Deaf children. Connections to ASHA’s Code of Ethics will be made. It will review ethical considerations related to oralism, cochlear implantation, and language deprivation. Case samples of Deaf students will be reviewed to highlight ethical concerns and make recommendations for practice. Finally, considerations for providers and their practice will be discussed, including suggestions for actionable steps.
10 minutes: Beneficence, nonmaleficence, and autonomy and Deaf children
15 minutes: Ethics and oralism
20 minutes: Ethics and cochlear implantation
20 minutes: Ethics and language deprivation
10 minutes: Case samples that highlight ethical concerns
15 minutes: Considerations for providers
Learner outcomes:
Participants will be able to:
Define the concepts of beneficence, nonmaleficence, and autonomy
Explain how professionals can take action against ethical concerns
Describe at least one ethical consideration when working with Deaf children
Kimberly Ofori-Sanzo
Financial disclosure: The presenter is the owner and founder of Language First and is receiving payment for this course.
Nonfinancial disclosure: The presenter is a member of the American Speech and Hearing Association and the American Board of Child Language and Language Disorders.