Course curriculum

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    Course content

    • PowerPoint

    • Improving Early Intervention Practices: Insights from a Parent and a Professional

    • Quiz

    • Evaluation

    • Continuing Education Credits

Course information

Course description: This presentation will explore the journey of a mother and her deaf daughter as they navigated the early intervention system. Real examples of obstacles and issues parents face will be provided, along with specific suggestions for how professionals can improve their practice. Connections between the parents’ journey and the professionals’ service provision will be made in order to improve overall early intervention services for deaf and hard of hearing infants.


10 minutes: Initial identification and parent counseling

10 minutes: Accepting parents’ decisions

10 minutes: Suggestions for professionals

5 minutes: Evidence of Avery’s progress

Learner outcomes:

Participants will be able to:

  1. State three barriers that parents of DHH children commonly face
  2. Explain how professionals’ bias and attitude directly affects service provision
  3. State three considerations for professionals working with parents of DHH children in early intervention


Erica Salcido

Erica is a wife and mom of two children, one hearing and one Deaf. She is a recent graduate of an Interpreter Training Program and is working on pursuing her state certifications. She runs an advocacy account on Instagram, @momthatsigns, hoping to provide other hearing families with Deaf children with helpful resources, an opportunity to connect with the Deaf community, and encouragement to spearhead their journey with confidence and full support.

Kimberly Ofori-Sanzo

Dr. Ofori-Sanzo is a speech-language pathologist and the founder of Language First. She received her B.A. in Psychology and in Communication Sciences and Disorders from the University of Vermont in 2010, her M.S. in Speech-Language Pathology from Gallaudet University in 2012, and her Doctor of Speech-Language Pathology (SLPD) in 2022. She is also a board-certified specialist in child language (BCS-CL) through the American Board of Child Language and Language Disorders and has 9 years of experience working at a school for the Deaf.

Speaker disclosures

Financial disclosures: Kim is the owner and founder of Language First. 

Kim and Erica are both receiving royalties for this course.

Nonfinancial disclosures: Kim is a member of the American Speech and Hearing Association (ASHA) and the American Board of Child Language and Language Disorders (ABCLLD), and serves on the American Board of Deaf and Hard of Hearing Specialists (ABDDHS). 

Erica has no relevant nonfinancial disclosures.

Continuing Education

This course is offered for 0.05 ASHA CEUs.