Interpreting for Assessments
This workshop will cover different types of assessments educational interpreters may encounter in the school system. Interpreters will learn how to prepare and interpret for specific types of assessments.
PowerPoint slides
Interpreting for Assessments
Continuing Education Credts
Course description: This workshop will cover different types of assessments educational interpreters may encounter in the school system. Service provider evaluations, hearing assessments, and district-wide assessments are a few examples. Interpreters will learn how to prepare and interpret for specific types of assessments.
5 minutes: Introduction
15 minutes: School-mandated evaluations
15 minutes: District-wide evaluations
15 minutes: State-wide evaluations
10 minutes: Strategies, tips, wrap-up
Learner Outcomes:
Participants will be able to:
Explain how to advocate to see evaluations in advance
Explain what they can and cannot do during assessments
State one tip or strategy to support a successful testing session with a DHH student
Jennifer Francisco
Financial disclosure: The presenter is receiving royalties for this course.
Nonfinancial disclosure: The presenter serves on the Florida EHDI board and the Florida FTCE DHH certificate panel.